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Introducing Eidon Adventurer: Chrissana Wilmot - Eidon

Introducing Eidon Adventurer: Chrissana Wilmot

Introducing Eidon Adventurer: Chrissana Wilmot - Eidon


Our Eidon Adventurer, Chrissana, is one that influenced the creation of our Adventurer program. She is a great believer in the brand and definitely someone who truly understands what is means to be an explorer! She reveals about how she got started in surfing, and what waves breaks she thinks are the best of the Caribbean.


Q: When we first met, we were shooting our S17 campaign in Jamaica and then we met again in the fall for another shoot where you guided us through Negril. What did you think of our little adventuring gang?

A: Oh man!! I had such a blast working with you guys and would love nothing more than to do it again! Your team was so phenomenal to be around that it didn’t feel like work at all! We worked really hard with those early morning call times but definitely played harder with cliff jumping and impromptu dance offs.  Jamaica’s a fairly big island so let’s do it again sometime!


Q: You’re not originally from Jamaica, so how did you end up there?

A: I’m actually from Trinidad. For those of you who don’t know, it’s officially the twin island Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, and they are the southern-most islands of the Caribbean chain.  I moved to Jamaica in December 2011 just before I married my husband, Icah, in January 2012.  We’ve been in and out of the country for the past five years. We split our time between Tortola in the British Virgin Islands, Jamaica and a couple of family visits around the U.S.



Q: Over the past 2 years we’ve seen you evolve as a surfer and improve your skills. You didn’t always know how to surf. Tell us why you started surfing and how it makes you feel looking back.

A: I started dabbling in surfing about 10 years ago but only got consistent with it about 5 years ago. Prior to that, I used to body board a lot on the North Coast of Trinidad with my dad and sister when I was growing up. I can’t think of a time when I didn’t love surfing. It always fascinated me and I was pretty stoked when I was finally able to afford my own board and a few lessons. To be honest, I think my progress has been slow, more so because of my own fears and inhibitions, but hey, any progress is better than none! I’ll admit, I’m really hard on myself because there’s a huge difference between what I think I do and what I actually do on a wave. Thankfully, with Icah’s help, I reel it in and show myself what I couldn’t do then and what I’m able to do now. There are so many other little details that I need to learn about surfing that, at times, can be frustrating and overwhelming. Though, I’m getting better and that makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. 



Q: You’ve travelled quite a bit, or should I say “adventured” quite a bit, in your lifetime. What is your favorite place to visit and your favorite surf break?

A: I do travel often, but for one reason or the other, it’s always to the same places (mainly within the Caribbean). With that said, it’s hard to pinpoint a favorite because they all have something that’s special to me. In Tortola, British Virgin Islands, I really love to surf Josiah’s Bay. It’s a regular-footer’s beach break heaven with crystal blue water and lots of sea life around.  We have a saying that if the turtles are seen, then the waves are worth surfing!

In Trinidad, Las Cuevas beach is pretty special to me because it’s where I learnt to surf. I created some new memories there on my last trip home when I taught my big brother as well as my best friend’s kids how to surf.



Q: What if I told you that you were one of the people who inspired the Adventurer’s Program. What do you think of that?

A: I’d say that’s pretty amazing and I’m extremely flattered and honored to have such a meaningful role in this company!  Everyone knows how much I love this brand and I hope that this community will inspire other girls and women to grow their confidence through water sports and just generally being active. Super excited to see how it will evolve and where it’ll take us!

Quick Fact about Chrissana: 

1. If she could be anywhere right now... "Viva Mexico!" Yes girl, bring on the margaritas!

2. One thing on her bucket list... "Get over my fear of big waves and just charge one that's at least overhead or bigger!" You can do it!

3. Her favorite food... "Chips and guacamole, hummus and sushi."

4. Favourite animal..."I like dogs but none of my own yet because I'm always on the move."

5. Last book she read..."After Uou by Jojo Moyes."


You can keep up with all of Chrissana's adventures on Instagram (@sandycurlz)