5 Must-Read Books for the Summer - Eidon

5 Must-Read Books for the Summer

5 Must-Read Books for the Summer - Eidon
5 Must-Read Books for the Summer

If reading has become somewhat of a relic of your past life, you are not alone. No matter how much you enjoyed devouring Judy Bloom titles in elementary school or the entire Harry Potter series as a teen, never being able to find the time to read is a reality that weighs heavily on tons of former bookworms.


It makes sense, then, that the unique serenity of sitting by a glassy pool or swaying back and forth in a seaside hammock is so often the gateway to sinking your teeth into a good read. No noisy distractions, no emails lighting up your phone, no overtime work to be completed before bed. Just you, some sun, and that novel you’ve been meaning to read for months now (oops).


For those of you who don’t have a book waiting patiently on the bedside table, we’ve rounded up five exciting titles we think you’ll absolutely love. The following reads are a total adventure sandwich, packed with tales of exploration and faraway places from cover to cover.

''Traveling alone, you get to be whoever you want. I don't mean lie. I mean you get to be a blank slate.''
To Shake the Sleeping Self by Jedidiah Jenkins

This action-packed memoir follows travel writer Jedidiah Jenkins along his ambitious journey to cycle from Oregon to Patagonia. That’s 14,000 miles, for those of you who lost count! On the cusp of his 30th birthday, Jenkins kicked off a 16-month expedition on two wheels after quitting his job and leaving life as he knew it behind. He began documenting the entire trip on Instagram, which eventually earned him a feature in National Geographic, among other publications. This is his story.

''How wild it was, to let it be.''
Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Don’t just take our word for it: Wild has a hefty list of accolades to its name, including New York Times #1 bestseller status and a place in Oprah’s Book Club 2.0. This memoir details Strayed’s life-changing quest to hike more than 1,000 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, from the Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington State. By herself. Following her mother’s death and the collapse of her marriage. Without any formal hiking experience. Buckle up – this one’s intense!

''Travel is about reconnection. It strips all the complicated layers that I may accumulate and exposes the raw essence of who I am.''
How Travel Became The Answer by Haley Jardine

This title holds a particularly special place in our hearts. Vancouver-born Haley Jardine is one of our very own Eidon Adventurers, and an indisputably well-seasoned traveler (she’s got Indonesia, Peru, Nicaragua, and Northern Canada under her belt, among others). How Travel Became the Answer chronicles a very unique time in her life, when her family of five took off on a year-long adventure around North America. Jardine’s recount is based on journal entries dating back to when she was living the experience moment by moment as a 14-year-old gal.

''Let us remember that things are not what makes us fulfilled. Experiences are.''
The Wander Society by Keri Smith

This book wouldn’t exist if author Keri Smith hadn’t found a series of strange handwritten notes inside a copy of another novel. Intrigued and perplexed, Smith was immediately devoted to getting to the bottom of these mysterious scribblings – and so, through her digging, she discovered The Wander Society, a group that treats wandering as a way of life. Smith’s novel takes a deep dive into this little-known group’s culture and beliefs, and how these wanderers may actually be on to something groundbreaking.

''Remember, you might not be the baddest beast out there, so try a little live and let live.''
A Woman’s Guide to the Wild by Ruby McConnell

A Woman’s Guide is a slight departure from the rest of the titles on this list – mainly because it’s a handbook, not a novel! If you were born to be wild, this introductory guide teaches you how to navigate the great outdoors as an intrepid woman explorer. From short hikes to extended camping trips, McConnell’s book covers topics like survival basics through a female lens, how to deal with your time of the month while off the grid, and what kind of gear to bring along. There’s also a visual component to this handbook, making it extra fun to read.


So – what are you waiting for? The sun’s out, your bags are packed, and you’re all sunscreened up. Choose your fave title and feel the world around you melt away as you’re gently lulled into a state of boundless imagination. Happy reading!

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