Meet Haley, our Canadian adventurer who is always on the move! She is always up for adventure, whether it’s a hot summer day or in the dead of winter. Learn how she balances being a business owner while planning new trips around the world and taking time for herself.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself (short bio).
I was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada but after traveling for an entire year with my family when I was 14 years old I couldn't stop thinking about all the places I wanted to explore. Since then I opened my own acupuncture clinic in Vancouver and continue to make travel a huge priority. Lots of my trips involve outdoor adventure of some kind, especially surfing and hiking.
Q: You pretty much live in a bikini, even when there’s snow! When did you first fall in love with exploring the outdoors?
Honestly, I feel like I was meant to live on a tropical island somewhere in the south pacific but instead I live in Canada, where the winters are long, wet, snowy and cold. It definitely gets hard but I always make an effort to travel for at least 6 weeks during the winter months. Growing up my family was always camping, biking, skiing, surfing and exploring so I guess you could say my exposure to these activities is what shaped my love for outdoor exploration today. The year we spent traveling as a family definitely solidified this love and shifted my focus to collecting experiences instead of material things.
Left - One Piece: Jenny in Fireball | Right - Top: Kali, Bottom: Tiki, in Tangalooma
Q: Out of all of the beautiful places you’ve travelled so far, which has been the more memorable to you?
Longest trip: Indonesia, 3.5 months of sun, sand and surf!
Most physically demanding: Peru, 3 weeks, experienced altitude sickness (15 000 ft.). Hiked the Salkantay trail to Machu Picchu.
Most exciting: Southern Mexico, 1 month. Explored so many beautiful areas, both touristy and off the beaten path.
Most spiritual: Nicaragua, 3 weeks. Started it off with a yoga retreat and then explored the country on motor bike with my brother.
Overwhelming: El Salvador, 2 weeks. Traveled with my dad through the coast and up into the highlands where we stayed with a local family. Saw a lot of machine guns and explored the jungle on motorcycles.
Most spontaneous: Hawaii, 10 days. Booked this trip last minute and explored the bamboo forests, snorkeled the coral reefs and took a catamaran out to see breaching humpbacks and playful dolphins.
Most unique: Northern Canada. Travelled to Tuktoyaktuk, the most northern town on the Arctic Ocean. Spent time at a beluga whale hunting camp watching the northern lights and learning about the local culture and traditions.
Q: You do more than just surf, as you have taken pictures of you snorkeling, skiing, kayaking and generally having blast! Do you have a moment that has been so fantastic that it's seared in your mind forever?
When I was in Guatemala we hiked up an active volcano at sunset. At the top, we roasted marshmallows on the hot molten rock! While looking out at the view you could see another active volcano not too far away, that had a huge plume of smoke emanating from the top (it erupted earlier this year!). As we stood there taking in the scenery a giant storm rolled in. Thick dark storm clouds with lightning and thunder were on one side of us and on the other the most beautiful eruption of sunset pinks and reds. It will forever be burned in my memory.
Left - Top: Rooney in Kalei | Right - Top: Polly crop top in In Bloom
Q: British Columbia is definitely a beautiful place! What are your favorite aspects about where you live?
British Columbia is a giant playground of mountains, ocean, islands and everything in between. I love how close all these adventures are from my front door. Summer is definitely my favorite season for exploring the area but winter is also full of skiing, snowshoeing, breweries and hot springs! (there are over 25 hot springs in BC!). There is never a shortage of beautiful places to explore! BC life is all about the outdoors and immersing yourself in nature, not only for the fun but for the positive impacts it has on your health. I always feel calmer and happier when I am surrounded by nothing but good old mother nature.
Q: You are the owner of your own company, On Point Wellness. When did you know that you wanted to become your own boss?
I have always hated being told when I have to work, so from a young age I knew I would run my own business one day. After studying Chinese medicine the moment I passed my board examinations and become certified I quit my job at Lululemon and opened my own practice! The first year was challenging and I had many days of self-doubt but now 4 years later I have hundreds of dedicated clients and a successful practice that I am incredibly grateful for. I love helping people and that is exactly what I get to do every day I work.
Q: Do you have any personal projects you’re currently working on?
All my personal projects usually revolve around health and wellness. I am always striving to create balance in my life, between spending time with my family and planning weekend adventures, I always find time to eat well, relax, read and calm my mind. Upcoming trips: Ecuador, Iceland and Madagascar.
Quick facts about Haley:
1. Her favorite animal… “Dolphins. I wish I had one as a pet. It’s also my spirit animal.”
2. She’s a night person “Definitely not a morning person. I usually do not set an alarm and naturally wake up around 9am.” We wish we were all like that, Haley!
3. If she could go anywhere right now she would go to.. “The Maldives, Tahiti, Kauai.” Take me with you!
4. What she does to de-stress and unwind… “Go for a run or a walk outside. Have an Epsom salt bath and watch MTV reality TV.”
5. Favorite spot where she lives… “Anywhere close to the ocean.” Lucky girl!
Follow all of Haley’s adventures on Instagram (@wanderfullife).