Meet Maryne, our adventurer that loves the outdoors and has a great sense of humor. She fell in love with Montreal as soon as she arrived and reveals what she loves most about nature and doing outdoor activities. Learn about how living in Canada changed her lifestyle and how she makes time for her adventures while balancing work and other projects!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Maryne, I'm originally from Paris, France and have been living in Montreal for 5 years. I'm a web manager for a pharmaceutical company and a digital consultant as well. I'm passionate about sports, outdoor activities, surf and food (I love cooking!)
Q: What sparked your love for the outdoors and surfing?
When I moved to Canada, I fell in love with the Quebec region and all of the national parks that surrounded me. I discovered the joy of hiking and traveling by myself and pushing my limits as well. I discovered surfing 4 years ago when going to Maine and immediately loved it. Since that experience, I have organized all of my upcoming trips based on the surfing spots. I have surfed in France, Morocco, Hawaii, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, in Maine several times and in the St Laurent (I am learning river surfing, which is completely different from surfing in the ocean).
Top: Madison | Bottom: Caia - Otemanu
Q: What has been the most unforgettable place you have travelled to so far?
I totally fell in love with Hawaii. I was amazed by the beauty of the landscapes, and the very special vibe that I felt when I was there. I plan to go back in March 2019.
Q: Your pictures on Instagram are stunning! What inspires you to capture such gorgeous images?
I am very curious, I love discovering new places and carry my camera everywhere with me. I'm passionate about photography, so every opportunity is great to practice and share my experiences with my community. I love sharing with people through Instagram, I've gotten amazing tips from some of my followers and I'm always super happy when some of them message me to let me know they've enjoyed a trip somewhere thanks to my recommendations.
Top: Rooney in Eucalyptus | Bottom: Caia in Petunia
Q: You were living in Paris and then moved to Montreal. What do you find is different about going on adventures in Paris versus in Montreal?
Montreal is more "nature oriented", there are parks everywhere in the city, by driving an hour or less you can be in a dreamy, beautiful and quiet place, around a lake or mountain. My life in Paris was more about my studies, going out with my friends and partying. I feel like my life in Canada is way healthier, more active and I really love the lifestyle that I have here.
Q: A lot of your adventures seem to take place in Quebec. What makes you want to explore this province?
It is absolutely gorgeous, I love the feeling of being alone in nature, swimming in a beautiful lake (and there are plenty, everywhere) or hiking and enjoying breathtaking views. I feel incredibly lucky that I get to travel a lot with my job and I am super excited to go to Banff for the third time this year in October.
Top: Kali Slider | Bottom: Low Rider - Nafrini
Q: What are your next adventures you have lined up? Any to check off from your bucket list?
I am going to Maine in a week, Toronto in September, Banff and Paris in October and I have booked a surf trip to Costa Rica in November. I am super excited. I plan to go back to Hawaii in March 2019, renting a van and traveling with our surfboards. I want to explore Maui this time.
Another dreamy country that I would love to explore is Peru. Bali is also on my list but I'm afraid I'm going to have to be a bit patient because I don't have that much vacation a year!
Quick facts about Maryne:
1. Her nickname is…Martine. Based on a French book for kids, she is living many adventures (and I’m always the one with the funniest or most awkward stories).
2. Favorite thing she likes about herself…My sense of humor. It’s terrible, I laugh at my own jokes all the time. I should stop that but I can’t…don’t worry girl, we all do!
3. Her biggest fears…I have a phobia of stumps and wounds. Not blood but wounds, when skin is not as it should be!
4. Guilty pleasures…Napping and also eating crepes au Nutella. I believe it could definitely solve every problem in the world. Hmmm a world of chocolate goodness!
5. Her favorite foods…Fish tacos, ceviche and everything that has raw fish in it.
Follow all of Maryne’s adventures on Instagram (@the_dreamcatcheuse).