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Travel Diary: Baja - Eidon

Travel Diary: Baja

Travel Diary: Baja - Eidon


We landed in the late morning, and from the moment we stepped out of the airport, we were struck by the bright, dusty air surrounding us on all sides. There was no doubt about it: we were in the middle of the desert. 

The drive down to the house was a little over an hour. We made the trip in an old Jeep with the radio tuned to a local station playing punchy bachata and merengue on repeat. The highway was smooth and scenic, dotted with miles and miles of giant cacti standing tall like prickly armies guarding the surrounding hills. 



The last part of the route was a bumpy dirt road, which lead us through quiet little towns with corner taco stands and colorful murals. We arrived at the house a little past noon. With its high ceilings and adobe walls, the space was airy and bright, and we were glad to call it our home for the next few days. 



During the week we spent out there in the desert, we took day trips to nearby beaches and drove down hidden paths to spots that only the locals knew. We even stumbled upon an unexpected oasis of giant date palms, nestled between two arid hills topped with nothing more than rocks and tumbleweed.



The surf in southern Baja was great, and our early mornings were mostly spent on the water. By noon, the desert sun usually had us retreating back to our hacienda for a nap under the shade of a tree, or seeking out a nearby hammock so we could listen to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. 



Our afternoons were spent exploring the towns nearby, and evenings saw us enjoying one feast or another, whether the menu featured scrumptious street tacos or grilled fish and fresh horchata at a local sit-down eatery.



It's a little off the beaten path, but the dusty roads of Baja California led us to some of the most picturesque places we've ever seen. Surrounded by friendly dogs, curious burros, good friends, and helpful locals, we couldn't have asked for a better week down on the Baja peninsula.