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Travel Diary: Banderas Bay - Eidon

Travel Diary: Banderas Bay

Travel Diary: Banderas Bay - Eidon


by #EidonAdventurer, Haley Jardine - Follow her adventures here

Our journey off the coast of Mexico was made up of long days spent sailing the waves, and cool nights drifting under the stars. This adventure was shared with my dearest friends, our joy and laughter carrying us from sunrise to sunset. Sailing brought us peace and quiet, the only sound was water lapping against the boat and the occasional seabird flying past us as we traveled to our next spot…



Sparkling lights surround me, dancing with my movements. I create patterns with my hands, staring in awe of this beautiful phenomenon.


The sun nears the horizon, relieving us from the days intense heat. We anchor the sailboat and head to shore on our inflatable dingy. The cool off shore breeze refreshed my sun kissed skin and laughter fills the air. We are excited to explore the small Mexican town of Punta de Mita. Once ashore we walk through the darkening streets in search of tacos. After a long day spent in the sun our skin is glowing, our hearts are full and our stomachs are empty. We are barefoot and carefree, and not a worry crosses my mind.



The aroma of asada guides us to a large tent with plastic tables and chairs, music playing in the background. Locals surround us, one long table of smiling customers who can’t stop eating tacos. We order taco after taco, juice dripping down our chins. The meat was so juicy and smoked to perfection, fresh cilantro, onion and creamy avocado sauce balance the flavor profile to perfection. I see a tiny black baby chicken running around on the dirt below me and I point towards him. A few seconds later a Mexican boy hands this chicken to me. I sit there holding this precious baby chicky against my chest. At first he is shaking and chirping loudly, but as I stroke his tiny body he begins to still. I can feel his warmth and a wave of compassion washes over me.



As we are riding out to the sailboat, our bellies full, an aura of light sprays out around us. The phosphorescence are out tonight! We climb on board and immediately jump into the black water. Sparkling lights surround me, dancing with my movements. I create patterns with my hands, staring in awe of this beautiful phenomenon. We are all laughing and smiling, taking turns with the snorkeling mask to dive down into the ocean galaxy these microscopic creatures create. It is like swimming through space, shooting stars and blinking planets flood my vision and I lose sense of time and space.



Falling asleep to the rocking movements of the boat I am filled with a magical feeling. My time on the sailboat has fulfilled my need for adventure, wonder and nature. I think back to all my memories on this sailboat. Sailing out of Banderas Bay, dolphins playing at our bow, miles and miles of coastline spread out before us. Snorkeling off of remote beaches, the sounds of whales filling my ears every time I dip my head underneath the water.



Spending hours beach combing along shoreline that humans rarely set foot on. Being on the water has this ability to wash away all of my worries. My to-do list is far from my mind and I am absorbed by the beauty of the present moment. I can return home with these memories in my heart and my energy tank full.