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A Not so Ordinary Girls' Getaway in Pura Vida Country - Eidon

A Not so Ordinary Girls' Getaway in Pura Vida Country

A Not so Ordinary Girls' Getaway in Pura Vida Country - Eidon
Travel Diary: Rockaway!

A match made in wanderlust heaven, we at Eidon combined forces with Origin Travels for a not so ordinary girls' getaway in Pura Vida country, Costa Rica. It was a week spent recognizing that our personal strengths can be found in the most unlikely of times and places, swapping spa dates for sweaty hikes through the jungle and beaches.


From the 25-minute puddle-jumping plane ride into the Tambor airstrip to the bouncy 40-minute car ride along meandering dirt roads that were ruggedly cut from the hillside, excitement from the onset of our journey brewed within all of us.

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Get the Stacey top in PIXIE!

Unreal was the first word that came to mind upon arrival to what would be our headquarters for the week. The Wild Sun Jungle Resort and Nature Center was a magical space that sat on the outskirts of the Cabo Blanco National Park. The amenities (like the pool, yoga deck, and shared dining area) were cleverly situated to ensure maximum co-existence with the local wildlife. It wasn't uncommon to hear the deep, dragging grunts of howler monkeys lounging in the encircling trees. The animals of the rescue center generously provided the daily soundtrack of our stay.

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Every morning, the feeding of the uncaged resident macaws was a well-anticipated spectacle for us guests. Their colorful wings were always a pleasurable sight to behold as they descended from their towering perches, exclaiming happy squawks and chatter. This viewing seemed fitting following our early morning salutations to the rising sun that shyly peeked through the canvas of greenery surrounding the wooden yoga deck.


With our itinerary being loose and the group exhausted from the previous day's commute, we opted to keep the activities low-key and local. The adventure started with a trip to Doña Nena's marmalade workshop, a sweet elderly who felt like our Costa Rican tía abuela. First, she gave us a tour of her modest but functional workspace. Then gave us a crash course in the art of the low-scale production of fruit jams and coconut-based products (taking time to sample along the way, of course).

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Next was the intriguing La Isla Cementerio de Cabuya, which was a burial ground for past settlers and local villagers. It was only accessible by crossing the jagged seabed during the low-tide, which certainly added to its enchantment, seeing boats haphazardly dry-docked on the ocean's floor. During our stroll, we came to learn that, according to local legend, the ghosts of the buried still roam this eerie enclave at night.

Get the Sarah dress in NIRVANA!

To close the day, we spent the final moments of light at the Mariposario Montezuma Gardens and Butterfly Brewing Company. Enveloped by lush tropical trees, we found ourselves roaming calmly through an Eden made for butterflies. Armed with tasty handcrafted beers and sodas that were skillfully brewed on-site, we tried to spot as many species of butterflies as we possibly could. And we were not disappointed! Winged creatures fluttered daintily before our eyes; some electric blue, some with owl-like eyes imprinted on their wings that seemingly reciprocated our attentive stares. Our delight was limitless.

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This was just the beginning. Picturesque waterfalls, rewarding hikes, and long days of surf awaited us in our adventures under the Costa Rican sun. Stay tuned for more pura vida as we uncover part 2 of this travel diary.

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